Strahlenförmige Berippung (Spitzahorn und Wein)


Schola Graphidis Art Collection, Hungarian University of Fine Arts - High School of Visual Arts, Budapest

Object description:

The photolithograph illustrates the principle of radiation in the structure of the Norway maple tree leaf and the Ivy leaf. The print is part of the series of different prints (photolithographs, lithographs, heliotypes) depicting basic forms in nature, such as leaves, flowers, inflorescences, crops, etc. The collection of stylized plant forms designed and drawn by the German painter and reformer of the art education, Moritz Meurer (1839-1916) and his students. The compilation served as a collection of good examples to follow in the fine arts, the applied arts, the crafts and the architecture education at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Rejecting the way of naturalistic depiction of forms, the print shows the inner structure of forms for ornamental drawing studies. Following the general direction of art education in Europe, these prints were used in everyday teaching practice in the Metropolitan Municipal Technical Drawing School (1886-1945) in Budapest. The library item which includes also this print, belonged to the „Library of the Applied Arts and the Education of Craftsmen and Artisans” of the above-mentioned educational institution in the 1920s.
Meurer, Moritz: Strahlenförmige Berippung (Spitzahorn und Wein). Pflanzenformen. Vorbildliche Beispiele zur Einfu?hrung in das ornamentale Studium der Pflanze, zum Gebrauche fu?r Kunstgewerbe- und Bauschulen, Technische Hochschulen und ho?here Unterrichtsanstalten sowie fu?r Architekten und Kunsthandwerker. Dresden : Verlag von Gerhard Ku?htmann, 1895. Abt. I. Taf. 19. © Schola Graphidis Art Collection, Hungarian University of Fine Arts - High School of Visual Arts, Budapest

Object/Work type:

Cultural Heritage type:

Visual Works (hierarchy name)


Hungary - Hungary

Object measurements:

40 x 28 cm


designed by Meurer, Moritz (1839-1916) (artist)

Culture: German

Date: 1895 Historicism


printed by Gröber, Friedrich (printing house)

Material/Technique: paper


published by Kühtmann, Gerhard (publishing house)


plant components, decorations, decorative arts, art education, pattern books


Rights Type:  


Source: Schola Graphidis Art Collection, Hungarian University of Fine Arts - High School of Visual Arts, Budapest

Identifier: 5093