The Artist Eva Bonnier


Nationalmuseum, Sweden

Object description:

In his article Anteckningar om porträttmåleri (Notes on Portrait Painting, 1889) Richard Bergh emphasised the importance of the setting. He painted this portrait of his colleague Eva Bonnier the same year. They discussed the composition of the painting, and Bonnier rejected Bergh’s idea of portraying her in her professional role with artist attributes. Instead, they agreed on a bourgeois domestic environment.
I artikeln Anteckningar om porträttmåleri (1889) betonade Richard Bergh miljöns betydelse. Samma år målades porträttet av kollegan Eva Bonnier. De diskuterade hur målningen skulle utformas och Bonnier avslog Berghs förslag att avbilda henne i sin yrkesroll med konstnärsattribut. Istället valdes en borgerlig hemmiljö.

Object/Work type:

paintings (visual works)

Cultural Heritage type:

Visual Works (hierarchy name)


Stockholm - Sweden

Object measurements:

Mått 123 x 120 cm Ram 141 x 137 x 8 cm


Richard Bergh (Konstnär)

Date: Sign. 1889

Material/Technique: Oil on canvas, Olja på duk


Date: Acquisition year 1897


Eva Bonnier


Rights Type:  


Rights Type: CC0

Source: Nationalmuseum, Sweden

Identifier: 18510